Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Smokey and the Bandit

I can't even write this without giggling a little. It is almost as good as the Chuck Norris Marathon that was at the Somerville Theatre a few weeks ago. The original Smokey and the Bandit is playing at the Somerville Theatre.

The Bandit and The Snowman are two truck-driving southerners who accept a dare from big-shots Big and Little Enos to pick up a truckload of beer from Texas and return it to them within a specified amount of time. Picking it up is simple enough, but as they are leaving Texas, Bandit unwittingly picks up Carrie, a hitchhiking bride-to-be who just left her groom, Junior, at the altar. Junior, however, is the son of Sheriff Buford T. Justice. And when Buford and Junior discover what has happened, they go on a "high-speed pursuit" across the Southeast to catch the bandit. Enjoy this 1977 summer drive in classic on the newly renovated Big Screen at the Somerville Theatre.
Concessions= popcorn, soda, beer, wine(until 11pm) and soon Richardson's Ice cream!


>>Somerville Theatre

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